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Eloquent Essentials Youth Scholarship Program (EEYSP)  is a 501c3 organization that was established in 2016 to connect, build and provide support to (a) under-represented minorities (African American and Hispanic) pursuing the path of entrepreneurship  and (b) youth mentoring programs with credible records of influential change.  Mentorship and financial support are intricate parts to helping one succeed.   EEYSP recognizes that we all possess an innate ability to be great and our mission is to assist both entrepreneurs and mentoring programs to fulfill their objectives.  They are able to dream big, craft their gifts /talents, walk in their purpose and execute their ability to become successful people.   It is through our noble acts that children / young adults can  reach their goals and create their own legacy of success and generational wealth that will be passed on for years to come. 



Eloquent Essentials Youth Scholarship Program (EEYSP) has two components:


  • APOTTS Award (Ambitious Person Overtly Trying To Succeed) in honor of Adrian Allen Potts - tailored to support  young entrepreneurs ages 10-19 years who are purpose driven, display a young mogul mindset, present a kindred heart and a strong will to be successful.  


  • GEMS Award (Greatly Enriched Mentorship Services)  - acknowledges organizations  with an established record of positive results.  The mentoring organization must be an effective program that creates a safe and secure haven for children, displays proven cultivation of youth outside of their normal environments, provide resources for youth to achieve academic success  and supply tools to help navigate through life..

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In 2017,  Eloquent Essentials© by way of EEYSP Founder & Executive Director Rismia Johnson and her committee honored  its first recipients of both the APOTTS and GEMS awards.  The APOTTS recipients was presented with awards, checks,  support and guidance for their endeavors. The GEMS recipients received awards and checks to provide financial support for their program.  It is about building together and branching out beyond the surface.  



"Just as accessories compliment a person’s attire, so should a company compliment its community and those who represent tomorrow.”  





Rismia Johnson

CEO of Eloquent Essentials

Founder & Executive Director of EEYSP


*  in honor of Eloquent Essentials CEO cousin Adrian Allen Potts *

EEYSP Founder & Committee

Rismia Johnson

Jilleann M Ayres.PNG

Jilleann Ayres

Board Member
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Syeatta Bolden

Board Member
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